
  • We have (lib)JPEG!
    jpeg.png (619.09 KiB)
    Viewed 9150 times
    JPEG Support.
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Latest binary attached

    PNG + JPEG
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Great job!
    BTW, do not will window background by blue colour. Set it transparent.
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Leency wrote:Great job!
    BTW, do not will window background by blue colour. Set it transparent.
    Which background color do you mean ? Do you mean the main window with the title bar ?

    I'm drawing it with this :
    kolibri_define_window(100,100,nsfb->width+9,nsfb->height+kolibri_skin_get_height(),0x34000080,0x800000FF,"Netsurf for KolibriOS");

    Where the define_window function is :

    void kolibri_define_window(uint16_t x1,uint16_t y1,uint16_t xsize,uint16_t ysize,
    uint32_t body_color,uint32_t grab_color,uint32_t frame_color) {
    uint32_t a,b;
    __asm__ __volatile__("int $0x40"::"a"(0),"b"(a),"c"(b),"d"(body_color),"S"(grab_color),

    Can you tweak it to what you mean so that I can understand?

    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Can you add GIF support?
  • Added GIF Support:
    gif.png (141.2 KiB)
    Viewed 8623 times
    We have PNG, JPEG and GIF now.
    I am not implementing support for BMP (Who uses BMP in web pages anyway?)

    Binary attached.

    List of issues :

    Handle Headers , especially cookies to handle maintaining sessions. Right now it'll just keep kicking you out if you try to log onto a site.
    Colours are messed up right now, somehow the RED component is missing. Probably something wrong in the pixel layout in memory.
    Properly handle all return codes. We just abort fetch if http code is not 200 or 3xx.
    Crash with
    Remove hard coded paths about /usbhd0/1/ so that the binary can run from anywhere.
    We just need to place res/ in the same directory as netsurf executable now.
    No image support yet. ! We have PNG!
    No JPEG Support.
    No GIF Support.
    Entry boxes do not load. crashes after some time.
    No POST yet. Only GET.
    free() crashes for favicon string in url_unescape() function. It is disabled for now, but we need it sooner or later.
    Port libiconv
    Fix crash related to loading (and other websites with PNGs)
    Add support for multipart/form-data POST requests.

    Might crash randomly because of some malloc/free issues after an HTTP POST.

    Slow Page loading times.

    CSS Does not always load pretty graphics for the same website (For example

    Handle netsurf command line handling arguments

    No HTTPS (Half of the world uses it....Damn PolarSSL..)

    Handle TAB key to cycle through fields.

    Polish and Finish kolibri surface for libnsfb.

    No Javascript.

    No FileSystem caching yet. Need to enable FS Backing Store.
    Caching is disabled , especially If-modified-since and if-none-match headers.
    The caching can be enabled later when everything else is Working 100%.

    There are too many debug statements around the code (including libs), remove them.

    Downloads probably won't work right now [ Untested, but best guessed ]

    Upload libiconv port to SVN. Make size smaller. Strip useless crap from the big source code before it.

    Merge to CI of Netsurf.

    Add custom pages for 404 or 5xx errors like what "regular browsers" show. Designers! *Looks at Leency*
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Nice to see the OS growing so fast! Good job!
  • ashmew2 wrote:kolibri_define_window(100,100,nsfb->width+9,nsfb->height+kolibri_skin_get_height(),0x34000080,0x800000FF,"Netsurf for KolibriOS");

    kolibri_define_window(100,100,nsfb->width+9,nsfb->height+kolibri_skin_get_height(),0x74000080,0x800000FF,"Netsurf for KolibriOS");
    Из хаоса в космос
  • yrjie wrote:Nice to see the OS growing so fast! Good job!
    Hi Charlie!

    Thanks! If you get some free time, feel free to report any issues you face with Netsurf or KolibriOS in general :)
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Leency wrote:
    ashmew2 wrote:kolibri_define_window(100,100,nsfb->width+9,nsfb->height+kolibri_skin_get_height(),0x34000080,0x800000FF,"Netsurf for KolibriOS");

    kolibri_define_window(100,100,nsfb->width+9,nsfb->height+kolibri_skin_get_height(),0x74000080,0x800000FF,"Netsurf for KolibriOS");
    Made the changes, does it look any better Leency?
    leency.png (333.02 KiB)
    Viewed 8426 times
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Can' t say :)
    Fix cause no visual changes, just faster window redraw (no blue background under window content image).
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Leency wrote:Can' t say :)
    Fix cause no visual changes, just faster window redraw (no blue background under window content image).
    I've already fixed it in the surface, so you should be able to feel the difference in the next release.
    Btw, have you given any consideration to making custom pages for 4xx or 5xx errors for KolibriOS?
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Hi,

    I just got the nersurf binary to run, too!

    I installed virtual box in the latest version. Set up the recording feature and copied the kolibrios.lbl and kolibrios folder to a virtual disc. Netsurf seems to run from this setup. It is slow, but now I can test!
  • By the way, I use my hosts file on windows and linux to block ads and other bad stuff ( It would be nice, if you can add this to netsurf, too. First off all we do not want to download to much extra stuff (speed increase is even on win and linux great) and also it helps getting people to use kolibri os as a "safe" browser option. If it will be possible to use kolibri os and netsurf with the tor project, I think we get more everyday usage, more info about kolibri os out there and maybe some more developers or people willing to spend money to get more done!
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