Mouse cannot move Dell Latitude C640

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  • Have you tried the latest nightly build?
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  • It works with the latest build,
    EDIT: It freezes slower.
  • mdickie wrote:EDIT: It freezes slower.
    What do you mean by that? It works slower than the version you tried first (the one where mouse did not work)?
  • It sounds like the system hangs after boot, please enable the option in blue screen to print debug messages to the screen.
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • I mean it needs a little more time to freeze the mouse. There wasn't any debugging screen.
  • mdickie wrote:I mean it needs a little more time to freeze the mouse. There wasn't any debugging screen.
    Just the mouse freezes? Keyboard still works? Or keyboard freezes too? There is a clock at the bottom right corner - does it still blink?
    If it stops blinking, then this means that the whole system freezes. Let us know whether it's just the mouse, or the whole system.
  • Oh yes, the whole system freezes. The Keyboard and the clock aren't working.
  • Like I said before, enable debugging output in blue screen please.
    kolibrios.png (10.83 KiB)
    Viewed 15040 times
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • mdickie wrote:Oh yes, the whole system freezes. The Keyboard and the clock aren't working.
    Most chances it's IDE controller driver getting your system stuck - it's currently unstable.

    Please do as hidnplayr suggested in the above post (turn on option C in the blue screen during KolibriOS startup), and you will see debug output displayed on top of regular KolibriOS desktop. When the system gets stuck, make a photo of the monitor with a camera or smartphone, and attach it here please.
  • I tried to make a photo but looks bad (too small font) but I noted everything what was written on the screen:

    Code: Select all

    =========  tmpdisk 0.45 ========
    trying to add disk
    10% of free RAM will be used, new Disksize: 50MB
    operation completed successfully
    K : Attach Interrupt 11 Handler 80BA2F04
  • mdickie wrote:I tried to make a photo but looks bad (too small font) but I noted everything what on the screen was written:
    Unfortunately it's only part of the log, so it won't help us.

    Please turn on option C and simultaneously turn off option D on blue screen. This will boot KolibriOS without starting the desktop at all, but only display the debug log. Please try to make a photo this time. Don't worry about small font - we should be able to understand it. The mouse should still move, so first of all, try to move it for a longer time and see that it doesn't get stuck (let us know if it still does).
  • Here is the Screenshot. The Mouse doesn't stuck here.
    Foto0120.jpg (814.23 KiB)
    Viewed 15020 times
  • Maybe it's a problem with network driver, do you know what network card is in the laptop?
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • I have the Network Ethernet Interface 3c905C-TX/TX-M [Tornado] from 3Com Corporation
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