what makes kolibri fast and small?

Everything you can't fit into other forums
  • Somebody arrogantly told me in pm that this is a "stupid" question. Can someone answer this question please?
  • 1) asm
    2) very good code quality
    3) minimalistic system architecture
    4) poor support of last-generation advanced (and resource-hungry) hardware
    5) lack of sophisticated system features and services
    6) years of code optimization & polishing
    Somebody arrogantly told me in pm that this is a "stupid" question. Can someone answer this question please?
    People may be very busy so easily-irritatable. Ignore and forgive.
    You have a long way ahead.
    Be patient.
    Keep asking.
    Last edited by art_zh on Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
  • Thank you! I appreciate your willingness to help.
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