
Drivers for various video cards
  • No, this is not normal.
    Did you try to choose a different screen resolution on the A key? (blue boot screen) At least he sees the screen up to 2K.

    If you download the desktop, then try to install the video driver for ATI. (system panel>>driver install or file in iso: /cd2/1/kolibrios/drivers/drvinst.kex)
  • I tried, but can't do nothing more that exit to "black screen" - shloud exist the names for the screens (can help to talk about), like svn_123 (in right corner) ... 965#p71963
    problem_resolution.JPG (424.47 KiB)
    Viewed 10683 times
  • More..
    Kolibri_vesa.JPG (543.38 KiB)
    Viewed 10681 times
  • Hello, ManASM

    In blue screen there is a list of resolutions supported by your BIOS.
    And your BIOS doesn't know anything about 1366x768.

    You should try ATI driver. Go to SysPanel -> DriverInstall app (1)
    Install ATI driver and then try VIdeoMode app (2).
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  • Hi, thx for support.
    Well.. my situation is here that in hardware can't run Kolibri, coz these problems I meet ... 965#p71963

    But with some sucess runs kOS with qemu

    But.. like in your image I don't have the "Driever instal"
    emu manager 7.0  Kolibri OS
    emu manager 7.0 Kolibri OS (98.43 KiB)
    Viewed 10658 times
    And in "video mode" fileds are empty, I belive that should be something.
    emu manager 7.0  Kolibri OS mode.png
    emu manager 7.0 Kolibri OS mode.png (86.75 KiB)
    Viewed 10658 times
  • Are you running kolibri.img or kolibri.iso ?
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  • Drivers are only in ISO file. IMG contains only the most necessary and basic things.
    The system did not find the installer, and therefore it is not in list.

    P.S. Start KolibriOS in Qemu on Windows 10: video [ru], bat-file: qemu-system-i386.exe -m 512 -cdrom kolibri.iso
  • Leency wrote:Are you running kolibri.img or kolibri.iso ?

    But after link from theonlymirage to .iso can't find in this ver "SYSPANEL" :D ... 965#p71983
    After YT link I understand diff betwen .img and .iso
    ..good.. some progess here.

    .iso ..exist "DriverInstall"
    QM7_kOS_iso.png (101.06 KiB)
    Viewed 10634 times
    After "Install" i checked board, but this not talking me to much (not sure is this any sense in this on Qemu?)
    Should I rebot kOS or somethin? Probably not?
    QM7_kOS_iso_after_instal_ATI.png (130.19 KiB)
    Viewed 10634 times
    QM7_kOS_iso_after_instal_ATI_again_user.png (91.39 KiB)
    Viewed 10634 times
  • My advice about ATI driver related to your real hardware.
    If you run Kolibri in QEMU there is no ATI videocard inside, only some basic emulated videocard.
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