It is possible to run kolibrios on 64 bit system without virtualization ?

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • i run KOS in vmware, using virtual floppy disk or USB flash disk (USB3 not supported) for exchanging files with host system
  • Hello. I've succesfully installed kolibrios on vbox with a disk with fat ( thank to tinycore bootable iso ). But I've a another problem : some app ( like dosbox, heart3d, wave and syspanel) dont open when I click on those. Netsurf open a console after some second off normal windows open. Somebody can help me ? All of this work with kolibri-n on virtual box. on qemu, heart3d and wave work, but netsurf simply don't open.
  • Hello marius851000! :)

    1. Running KolibriOS in a 64-bit system is possible.
    2. Some programs do not work because the KolibriOS core has been modified, it did the operating system work worse. Just need to wait a while, until bugs fixed. Try the older build svn7122, there the programs work.
    The Glass is Always Half Full! :mrgreen:
  • I use virtualbox all the time. I use the virtual disc format which Microsoft supports and use it for the kolibrios folder with the additional applications. In windows you can add the virtual disc and use it like a normally installed disc. So copying data is just fine. Have a look at my videos. There you can see my setup for example with the netsurf tests.
  • Today I installed KolibriOS in my system but apps are constantly crashing when opened. I'm not sure if something gone wrong while the installation I've the error logs where am I supposed to send them?
  • dixitarjun
    Try to address here and write what processor on your computer.
    The Glass is Always Half Full! :mrgreen:
  • dixitarjun wrote:Today I found Home Pursuits and installed KolibriOS in my system but apps are constantly crashing when opened. I'm not sure if something gone wrong while the installation I've the error logs where am I supposed to send them?
    How power hungry would running KolibriOS without virtualization would the software be btw?
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