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Webserver anonymity

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:29 pm
by baggacfreak

how anonym is the html webserver from kolibrios? I know that it is not suggested to use it on the open internet, but would it be good to tunnel over I2P? Are there any system informations leaking (error messages, system infos ...)

Just a thought!

Re: Webserver anonymity

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:41 pm
by Wildwest
You can try to use public proxy server

Re: Webserver anonymity

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:37 am
by baggacfreak
proxies do not help to anonymize a web server which tells what it is or what IP it is hosting on.

Re: Webserver anonymity

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:54 am
by SoUrcerer
First: latest Kolibri doesn't have a web server yet. Second: depends on your server.

Re: Webserver anonymity

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:33 am
by baggacfreak
Oh I thought you had one but it is basic. What about ftp server?

Re: Webserver anonymity

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:46 am
by buyerninety
baggacfreak asks "how anonymous is the html webserver from kolibrios?...
...Are there any
system informations leaking (error messages, system infos ...)"

(Specifically replying to this question:)
Well, the User Agent that KolibriOS browser uses to
identify itself when visiting websites is; " KolibriOS libHTTP/1.0 " . This does not cause
you to be uniquely identified, but because you are one of a small amount of people using
KolibriOS browser (considering all the other persons on the internet using different browsers)
then if someone, for instance, was able to check the access logs for a particular website, they
may see that there are many different browsers' User Agent' identification strings in the access
log, but perhaps only one or few accesses by the KolibriOS browser - therefore, if they already
have reason to suspect you, and they are reasonably certain that you are using the rarely seen
KolibriOS browser, THEN they could argue before a judge that this is enough 'Probable Cause' to
suspect it was you accessing the website - then search warrant, or perhaps ГУЛАГ или кладбище!
(Я шучу... я думаю...)
Of course, baggacfreak will investigate further and see there are for usage on the internet 'proxy
servers' which among other things, can give you ability to fake the User Agent forwarded by your
browser - perhaps nobody has tested with Kolibrios browser such actions...?

(Specifically talking to all)
At below website you can see what User Agent (if any) your browser reports:
Given that e.g. WebView (previously HTMLv) has a small user base, it is not surprizing that
there are no records for it in the database (as yet). One small point of
- you will see, when you search for ' kolibrios' that someone has used KolibriOS
inside the strings of over 460 User Agents - this is (so far) not record of anyone actually browsing
using KolibriOS, but rather I reason, some person or organization who is using a мешанина
of false Operating System names, browser names, device names, etc., for purpose of помрачение
for 'User Agent Spoofing' ... t_spoofing
- and I theorize it is all same person or organization even though they used more than 20 different
IP addresses spread over about 10 different countries, from the U.S. to Israel, because all such
instances happened only on the exact days of 23rd and 24th Febuary 2013...

Re: Webserver anonymity

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:23 am
by baggacfreak
That being said, we could alter the source code of the kos browser and would be a not be identified by the browser fingerprint. As of now I do not need such anonymity, but perhaps some folks in other countries would benefit from it. Hopefully netsurf comes soon!