KEX repo

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • D-Kontroller wrote:Sorry, I didn understand your question at first. You are right. It contains everything. Please apologize me for my stupidness.
    It's OK, no problem.
    D-Kontroller wrote: does contain some more files, but I think they are already in the main distro, so it doesn't contain more programs after all. An example is the Telnet client, or the FTPS client, they are already inside the main distro, or am I wrong?
    Yes, they are already in the main distro.
    D-Kontroller wrote:But the Netsurf port by Sourcerer, I can't find it in all_soft or kolibri.iso or Why?
    It doesn't work, that's why :-)
  • The reason I asked where the KEX repo is is that I want to edit autorun.inf, so I could make a kind-of 'interactive HTML page' where a KolibriOS system could easily be edited, a movie about KolibriOS can be viewed and some links to the website and forum (See it as a kind of welcome screen). But since all_soft.7z already contains all the software, I don't have to make a 'sync function'. Good idea?
  • Hi,

    a small app website with compatibility to the kolibri os webbrowser and a description of the app would be nice. So that if you installed a stock image you can easily browse to this site and download your extra apps.

  • baggacfreak wrote:Hi,

    a small app website with compatibility to the kolibri os webbrowser and a description of the app would be nice. So that if you installed a stock image you can easily browse to this site and download your extra apps.

    I was rather thinking about a sort-of 'Getting Started' page (I've seen it before when you insert a Win 95 CD on a Windows computer, so check that out to know what I mean
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