Kolibrios image for bochs?

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • What is the problem with the main floppy image?
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • Hi,

    I try to set up kolibri os on my nokia n900 and playstation 2 which both have a bochs x86 emulator compiled for the systems. Booting the floppy disc is fine, but if you want to use mp3s, videos or some of the game ports, e.g. doom, it would be nice and easier to have a preinstalled kolibrios on a hdd image with some content already inside.

    yours baggacfreak
  • Using Boch for daily use is the road to Hell.
    Even emulator Qemu does not always provide the desired performance.
  • Btw, there are some hard disk images on the forum... They're outdated though. Try this:

    You should convert hard disk image to raw format using "qemu-img" tool.
  • Hi,

    thanks for the links. Guess I will have to have a look on the ccc talk, too. I plan on installing xp onto a bochs hdd image and use hdd loader I just found on my search. Installing will be done on my pc and then I will test on ps2 and my smartphone. Am I right that only ac97 sound chip is supported yet? Bochs seems to emulate soundblaster as does dosbox and on ps2 I will have to check whether sound is supported in anyway.

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