KolibriGL (OpenGL for KolibriOS)

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Wow. Cool!
    We have TinyGL and MESA ports, but if you plan to write your OpenGL implementation for Kolibri in pure assembler from scratch then you're probably crazy! :shock:
    Of course you can do anything you want. I don't know anything about graphic subsystem of Kolibri, but I'm sure there is somebody who knows. Good luck!

    p.s. Feel free to write here (on forum), we're glad to new forumers :)
  • I'm just worried that someone will try to take the same system call number as I did. So how about 25? And as I said I also need a new window flag. How about for the "EDX" parameter for "EAX=0" (draw window) we're gonna add a new value for the "Y" field, which is 5=WIN_OPENGL? OpenGL windows would be constant size.
  • You can use the free functions in the range 1-70.
    Some of the functions above 70 can be used in some branch kernels.
    mariuszp wrote:IAnd as I said I also need a new window flag. How about for the "EDX" parameter for "EAX=0" (draw window) we're gonna add a new value for the "Y" field, which is 5=WIN_OPENGL? OpenGL windows would be constant size.
    Yes, you can use it.
    Don't forget to update documentation files to the kernel when you make changes to SVN.
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