Kernel Editing Problems

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • That makes sense, but I'm using virtual box that doesn't have access to writing the IMG file, or to anything except the ramdrive. Can I do the uncompressed version in the ISO file? It would go faster and would beable to grow. How would I edit the ISO file so that VirtualBox can read it. Any time I try, it fails. Is there something better than MagicISO?
  • As for me, I used trial version of WinImage. Now I use linux :)
  • Linux has the native ability to read and write to ISO images?
    I have Ubuntu 10.04 on another Virtual Box.
  • Maybe this way will be usefull for you:
    So you need some Windows, Kerpack, KlbrInWin.
    1) Run config.exe in ../KlbrInWin/comfig.exe. See way for FDD (for example ../Kolibri/A).
    2) Make a new kernel (run the ../trunk/build.bat), copy kernel.mnt in ../Kolibri/A( fdd's way).
    3) Copy Kerpack in ../Kolibri/A( fdd's way).
    4) Run Kerpack over KlbrInWin.
    The end. Your kernel will be packed.
  • art_zh wrote:5) load kernel.asm with tinypad text editor (starts by default when you choose an .asm-file),
    6) in tinypad menu click Run, then Compile.
    7) return to KFAR: a new file KERNEL should appear. Copy it to the left panel (<F5>) as /rd/1/kernel.mnt
    Why so complicated? KFar -> locate kernel.asm -> <Menu> button -> Compile instead of all these steps.
    bigttcool2 wrote:Can I do the uncompressed version in the ISO file? It would go faster and would beable to grow. How would I edit the ISO file so that VirtualBox can read it. Any time I try, it fails. Is there something better than MagicISO?
    No. The LiveCD ISO is not intended for editing.
  • Why can't I edit the LiveCD ISO?

    A) Whats the difference?
    B) Where's the source code?

    I would like to use a CD because I can do more things and its more practical than to use a floppy drive. Right?
  • Hi, bigttcool2!
    bigttcool2 wrote:Why can't I edit the LiveCD ISO?

    A) Whats the difference?
    This is because KolibriOS boots from CD using floppy emulation. Such approach gives some advantages but the other side is (as you mentioned above) difficulties in editing. Do not despair! You really _can_ get *.iso image working (bootable). All you need is:
    1). to edit floppy image (e.g. kolibri.img);
    2). to place files you would like to have on CD in some folder;
    3). make an *.iso image (using corresponding software) from this folder with kolibri.img as 'boot image' or something else depending on your software.
    bigttcool2 wrote:B) Where's the source code?
    You can get all the source code from KolibriOS svn repository (svn co svn:// using subversion (if you are familiar, the latest snapshot) or just download this archive.
    bigttcool2 wrote:I would like to use a CD because I can do more things and its more practical than to use a floppy drive. Right?
    AFAIK, most KolibriOS developers use floppy images because they are convenient to work with. All depends on your target.
  • Well thanks, but what is 'official distro'?
  • anstein99 wrote:Well thanks, but what is 'official distro'?
    Official distro can be downloaded from here:
  • 1) load an official distro,
    2) run a file manager. MSDOS-users may prefere KFAR - it looks like old-and-good Norton Commander
    3) in KFAR press <Alt>-<F2> and choose the disk where your new kernel source files located (it has to be a FAT-disk to avoid file writing problems)
    4) jump to the right panel (<Tab>) and enter the source directory (keep /rd/1 on your left panel)
    5) load kernel.asm with tinypad text editor (starts by default when you choose an .asm-file),
    6) in tinypad menu click Run, then Compile.
    7) return to KFAR: a new file KERNEL should appear. Copy it to the left panel (<F5>) as /rd/1/kernel.mnt
    8 ) on the left panel, run kerpack
    9) run rdsave to store kolibri.img back to your disk.
    10) reboot.

    I tried it, but I failed, sorry guys.
    I loaded kernel.asm which is in kernel directory with tinypad, and clicked run-compile, but after that I couldn't see any KERNEL file..

    What's wrong about this? Someone please help me compiling.. '~'
  • I'm sure you have some errors while compiling.May be you haven't some files,or have problems with folder structure?
    I think you should check file "lang.Inc".If you haven't such file then create it.this file should be with one string:
    fix lang en
  • Okay help! I am new here! And I don't know how to edit a kernel and I downloaded the SDK of KolibriOS and I have no Idea how to use!! And When I use the kernel build.bat thingy it says there's something wrong with the FASM something, here's the message:

    Language '' is incorrect
    Enter valid language [ en ru ge et ]:
    *** building kernel with language 'en' ...
    'fasm' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    error: fasm execution failed
    Press any key to continue . . .
  • Hi,
    first of all, you need to download FASM from here:

    and set the path to FASM.EXE as a system variable,
    then the problem with BUILD.BAT will be automatically resolved.
  • Addition:
    You need to download FASM and to place the console version fasm.exe in the directory of the kernel source code. Another method is to place FASM in one of the ways to output the command "path" in the CMD (console of Windows).
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