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  • Konwhald wrote:renamed the kolibri.iso inside kolibri.img (as instructions only talks about kolibri.img...)
    ISO and IMG are different things. ISO is for CD and IMG is for HD/FD. You should have kolibri.img inside ISO file, but anyway you'd better download newest IMG build:

    Everything else looks fine though :D So, you'll get Kolibri booted soon, I hope. :)

    Although, didn't you tried officialTM guides to USB boot from ? ... _img_en.7z - they're inside. There's at least 3 ways to install Kolibri on your USB stick.

    Btw, you're welcome! :)
  • Yup, i just found the img in your first link and put it on my key. With the MTLD-whatever.
    My optical USb mouse don't works, so i played around with Alt+Tab and this useful thing under Linux that is the "windows"-key (hey, it works on kolibri =D cool), launching some stuff.
    You did a great job =) i wonder how will be the evolution of Kolibri.

    The installation is quite disturbing. Why are files for installation packed with many stuff inside a iso, inside a 7z ? 7z isn't accessible at all for Linux, and iso, not naturally for windows. I did not find any img inside when i downloaded it, or in the rar i found times ago with installations files
    I really got a bit lost, with instructions themselves, hidden somewhere in the iso =(
    Another thing quite disturbing is that it needs 30s to boot properly. For an OS of 3kb...

    Kolibri is a nice OS with a nice feeling. Design sometimes (like scroll bars) gives a horrible feeling of TinyCore (linux) or windows 3.1 but the OS itself has so much as Slitaz (who needs 12x memory :p ).
    Is it persistent, installed on a key ? Can you use it for daily usage, or is Kolibri too young for it ?

    anyway, even if i don't program in asm and there are many features i do not needs or understand at all, i like kolibriOs a lot =) keep up the good work !

    ...(Hmm, i think, i'll install it in russian :p it will make me practicing a bit ^^ )

    Thanks to you SoUrcerer :D thanks a lot to all the team !
  • Konwhald wrote:My optical USb mouse don't works, so i played around with Alt+Tab and this useful thing under Linux that is the "windows"-key (hey, it works on kolibri =D cool), launching some stuff.
    You can use cool USB-drivers, just tell us more about your PC and mouse. Also, there's mouse emulator.
    Konwhald wrote:The installation is quite disturbing. Why are files for installation packed with many stuff inside a iso, inside a 7z ? 7z isn't accessible at all for Linux, and iso, not naturally for windows. I did not find any img inside when i downloaded it, or in the rar i found times ago with installations files
    I really got a bit lost, with instructions themselves, hidden somewhere in the iso =(
    I think we'll fix it soon.
    Konwhald wrote:Another thing quite disturbing is that it needs 30s to boot properly. For an OS of 3kb...
    30 seconds? WEIRD! My normal boot time is about 2-3 seconds. Something wrong with your install, probably.
    Konwhald wrote:Is it persistent, installed on a key ? Can you use it for daily usage, or is Kolibri too young for it ?
    Yep, it is. If you don't need internet, then you can use Kolibri easily. If you need it, then you should wait for full-featured browser, or use text-based browser HTMLv. There's video player, nes|zsnes emulators, as well as PlayStation and DosBox.
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