The new network stack

KoOS network development
  • Wonderful! When are you going to add changes to SVN?
  • When it fully works. :D
    And, because none of the old drivers/applications will still work, I will need to write some new drivers and applications
    (mainly as code examples, but also to be able to test the rest of the code..)
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • What is the state of the current Net branch? What else have to be done to sync the changes with the trunc?
  • Asper, I and hidnplayr have currently no time to actively develop something, so this branch is frozen. It is easy to integrate changes from trunk, but I think that it has no sense while no development goes on.
  • CleverMouse
    Thanks for the info.
    Unfortunatelly my motheboard has recently burned and I can't to complete the development of the driver for VIA Rhine and VIA Rhine II network cards. It's also very bad because I almost completed it, I just had to find several bugs in it. :twisted:
    After writting the network driver I planned to make support for PPPoE protocol to have net in Kolibri at home, but now I have to buy a new computer.
  • Asper, I have actually wrote some code for PPPoE, namely first stage - sending PPPoE discover and getting PPPoE offers. I did it to test a driver for a network card in the situation where only PPPoE connection is available, so other network code cannot be used directly, and this stage involves send+receive, which was enough for testing :) BTW I have uploaded binaries to - there are modified kernel and a program which dumps collected offers to console.
    I thought that it is natural to write PPPoE support in the net branch, because it is good structured and extendable unlike trunk. However, there are many things that should be added to net branch - even TCP is not supported yet, and it is quite complicated - so now I think that adding PPPoE to trunk has also some advantages :) Anyway, I have almost no time for Kolibri, so I can't do active development.
  • As to me PPPoE is one of the most wanted things in KolibriOS. The fact that you've written start code for it is a very good news for me. Can I see the sources (in PM)?
    Maybe I could participate in further development of it.
  • Asper, I think that there is nothing secret in this code, so I've uploaded it to my ftp dir as I apologize for the delay.
  • Thanks a lot! :)
  • Do you need all network card datasheets - both PHY and MAC layers?
  • Hi. I tested the latest version of new stack distro r3424. So my lan card isn't supported? Notebook Acer Aspire 4740G.
    Can you add vendor definition from Network Driver Control Center to PciDev?
    1.png (18.5 KiB)
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  • Leency wrote:Hi. I tested the latest version of new stack distro r3424. So my lan card isn't supported? Notebook Acer Aspire 4740G.
    Can you add vendor definition from Network Driver Control Center to PciDev?
    Your lan card is of the broadcom BCM57xx family. It is not supported yet. But since this is a quite popular card and has good documentation, it's likely that it will be supported in the future.

    PCIDEV is normally compiled without full list of vendors, because its quite large. Thats why broadcom and Atheros are not in the list.
    Network driver control center has a smaller list of vendors (wich sell network hardware).
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • Qemu 0.12.2 and SVN r. 3831
    HTMLv + Downloader - download from the network is very-very slow :(
    For example loading is 100 times slower than the old network stack.
    Ends with the message "No more data" in the BOARD, but the page is still not displayed.


    Code: Select all

    qemu -L . -m 128 -fda kolibri.img -boot a -hda c100.img -hdb c100_2.img -cdrom kolibri.iso -localtime -k ru -vga vmware -net nic,model=ne2k_pci -net user -soundhw ac97
    Всем чмоки в этом проекте! Засуньте эти 11 лет себе в жопу!
  • Kolibri build #3870, Qemu 0.15.1

    1. Open /sys/HTMLv
    2. Click "Home" button from toolbar
    3. Click link "Cтатьи"
    Now you can not close any program. You may open a new one, but there is no way to close them.

    See PCIDEV.png and Boardlog.png for more information. This is a very serious bug, could you please, fix it?
    PCIDEV.png (9.83 KiB)
    Viewed 15077 times
    Boardlog.png (10.16 KiB)
    Viewed 15077 times
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